Before the Flood
Leading up to Leonardo DiCaprio's climate change documentary Before The Flood, National Geographic wanted to produce a series of shareable infographics to help promote the movie. However, as the premiere approached, the project shifted to include a multi-page website and LiveFyre presence to help rally activists around the cause and show them where they could see the movie for free. This was a Neo-Pangea project. My role involved page design and asset creation.

Do something
Each shareable tip card or infographic was meant to promote a more carbon-neutral habit. Through photos, iconography, and copy, these were intended to help others spread change.

Setting the Mood
In order to keep these graphics in line with the brand of the movie, I needed to assemble a moodboard in order to have a clearly defined direction.

Designing the digital launchpad
All of these infographics needed to lead to somewhere for users to take action. We were given an extremely abbreviated timeframe to design and develop a site and accompanying LifeFyre page. These pages were intended to explain what actions there were to take, encourage users tweets (that would generate dollar donations) and show users how to get involved or see a showing of the movie.